Graduation 2021 at the Lighthouse

A most unusual school year has come to an end as the Lighthouse students returned to see their teachers again and receive their certificates the first week of June. After the devastation of the recent war, it’s impossible to say there was much celebrating for the completion of the 2020-2021 school year. The students were sent home in early April as Covid cases began to spike in Gaza. They hadn’t seen their teachers or classmates for over a month when the war began in May. It was a school year filled with Covid restrictions, alternating between on-site and online learning, and ending with a ten day war that left hundreds dead in Gaza and over 70,000 people displaced from their homes. The children of the Lighthouse have experienced a traumatic year. We are thankful to the Lord that our staff and students and their families all survived this latest round of violence. Our prayers continue for the children on both sides of the border who are in need of healing and help from the fear and anxiety experienced through the trauma of war.


Once the masks were removed, the smiles appeared as the children received their certificates. We’re so proud of our Lighthouse students and their hard work through all the difficulties and challenges, and we are proud of our dedicated staff of teachers who have served them well this past year. Shady Najjar, the Lighthouse School principal, demonstrated excellence in leadership as he navigated the many challenges and led the staff and students through a constantly changing and difficult year.

It’s always sad to say good-bye to our 6th grade students as they leave the Lighthouse for other schools in the fall. The graduation ceremony this year was subdued and small but properly honored their accomplishments and efforts through the years. All of our graduates are reminded that they will always be a part of the Lighthouse family, and we look forward to connecting with them in the years ahead through our summer camps and English clubs. We believe they are fully equipped for success and will do well as they enter middle school. May the Lord continue to accomplish His good work in their lives.

Thank you to all the Lighthouse sponsors and donors who have given so generously in support and have made it possible for the light to continue to shine in Gaza at the Lighthouse School. Your partnership is an encouragement to the staff and students and a vital and significant contribution to the success of this work. We remain hopeful that the years ahead will be brighter and better for the Lighthouse students in Gaza because of your support. Alf shuker (1000 thank you’s)!

John Carlock